2 Million Spaniards At Risk From Mercury In Fish

A study reveals that 5% of the samples taken from Spaniards contain mercury levels above those considered safe.
mercury fish

Spanish scientists have determined that people who consume fish more than five times a week contain levels of mercury in their bodies that pose a risk to their health, according to a study carried out by the National Center for Environmental Health, dependent on the Carlos Health Institute. III.

This study has been carried out with 1,900 blood samples, 1,700 urine and 600 hair samples from people from different locations in Spain. About 5% showed levels above those considered safe.

1 in 20 people may be affected

If the results are extrapolated to the general population, more than 2 million Spaniards (one in 20) could have enough mercury in their bodies to affect their health.

Spaniards would be the Europeans with the most mercury in their blood, says the study that is part of a macro-investigation in order to determine the presence of a series of toxic substances in the body of European citizens. The Spanish are followed by the French, the Italians and the Greeks.

More in the Mediterranean communities

Within Spain, the most affected populations are the Mediterranean coastal areas: Murcia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Andalusia and Catalonia, which are the most consuming of fish. A little below are Galicia and the Basque Country.

This mercury basically comes from fish and shellfish, especially large species such as tuna and swordfish, which accumulate in their body the mercury from the smaller fish that are eaten.

Mercury is neurotoxic

Mercury is a neurotoxic metal that is particularly harmful to pregnant women and children. That is why the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (Aecosan) advises that these risk groups do not consume more than two cans of tuna a week.

Fish is not an essential food. Nutritionally it provides proteins, minerals, B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. In a vegetarian diet, other foods can provide these nutrients.

Alternatives to fish

The proteins, minerals and vitamins of group B (except B12, which must be obtained through a supplement) are obtained by consuming legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds on a daily basis. And omega-3s are found in ground flax and chia seeds and walnuts.

On the other hand, you can flavor your recipes fishy with small amounts of seaweed.

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