6 Recipes For Gourmet Croquettes With Autumn Flavors

How we like croquettes! But there are always new and delicious combinations to try: with avocado, chanterelles, seaweed, pear, with sweet potato …

Who doesn’t like good croquettes that are juicy and creamy on the inside and very crispy on the outside ? Croquettes are a jewel of our gastronomy that help us to take advantage of leftover stews and stews, but we also make them with other ingredients for pure pleasure.

The homemade croquettes are quite elaborate, but it is worth it to taste such delicious portions. In previous articles I have talked about how to make the perfect vegan croquette and the infallible recipe to make croquettes. We will build on these items to create innovative gourmet croquettes that will delight your whole family.

As we already know, the secrets of every croquette are a juicy and tender dough and a super crunchy batter. That is why most croquettes are made with béchamel sauce.

And, for the batter and breading, it is always better to make two layers of liquid mixture and flour, and then go through the breadcrumbs. This way we not only get a more consistent breading, but we also prevent the croquettes from bursting in the pan or in the oven.

We are going from these two things to make our gourmet croquettes: we just have to change some ingredients, it’s that simple.

1. Avocado croquettes

The avocado croquettes are especially creamy and mild in flavor, ideal to accompany dishes with strong flavors, or to serve them with spicy sauces. I start with these because they are the easiest to prepare:

  1. Sauté half an onion and add an avocado cut into small cubes.
  2. Increase the heat a little so that they brown a little.
  3. Then we add the flour and the vegetable drink and continue as with any other croquette.

2. Non-fish croquettes

This recipe is intended for vegetarians. If you missed the fish croquettes, here is a very easy alternative. It’s not magic, we get that sea ​​flavor thanks to the algae. In fact, you can add more flavor if you also add some hydrated and finely chopped wakame seaweed.

  1. Toast a sheet of nori seaweed in a skillet without oil over high heat, until crisp.
  2. Fry 200 g of tofu in small cubes and add the seaweed melted with your hands.
  3. Continue with the flour and vegetable drink as to make any other croquette, and you will have magnificent fish-flavored croquettes, but without fish.

3. Labneh croquettes

Labneh is the easiest creamy vegan cheese we can make. All you have to do is drain four soy yogurts (unsweetened and unflavored) for 24 hours in a muslin (you can hang it from the sink tap, for example), and then remove it and add salt and olive oil.

To make labneh croquettes it is not necessary to fry or fry anything if you don’t want to, you just have to make a very thick béchamel in a saucepan and when it is warm add the labneh and stir very well. When it cools it will have solidified enough to form the croquettes.

To make them even more flavorful, you can add 1 teaspoon of miso dissolved with the vegetable drink when you make the bechamel, and at the end, add a little debittered brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast (a couple of tablespoons).

4. Níscalos and raisins croquettes

Although it may seem like a strange combination to you, the truth is that the chanterelles do very well with some sweet foods, such as raisins, carrots and sweet potatoes. This autumn mushroom is also perfect for preparing tasty croquettes.

  1. Brown your finely chopped chanterelles well.
  2. A swim raisins (about half of raisins níscalos) halved.
  3. Make the bechamel.

The whole interior will have a wonderful autumn flavor thanks to these mushrooms.

5. Pear and vegan cheese croquettes

Some varieties of pear are also in season in the fall and give a lot of play in savory dishes. To prepare these croquettes:

  1. Chop a couple of pears and brown them in the pan. You will see that they are very aromatic.
  2. Add a vegan cheese type blue cheese, cured, Parmesan or similar, with a strong flavor, along with the bechamel. Contrasts are the star of these croquettes.
  3. Try to chop the vegan cheese of your choice into small cubes, or grate it with a grater with large holes. We want particles of flavor to be noticed in each bite, not to find huge chunks.

6. Lentil and sweet potato croquettes

Another croquette of contrasts, this time with two very common ingredients that, together, in stews and stews, make a perfect combination.

  1. For the croquettes, what we will do is finely chop the sweet potato and brown it.
  2. Then we will add the lentils, well drained, and spices to taste (I recommend using Provencal herbs and a pinch of cinnamon ).
  3. Later we add enough water to cover the bottom and make sure the sweet potato is not raw.
  4. When it runs out of water, add the flour and vegetable drink and make the béchamel. Part of the sweet potato and the lentils will fall apart, giving more flavor and creaminess to this a priori so simple dough.

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