Tuina, The Ancient Therapeutic Massage

This ancient massage awakens the healing capacity of the body and helps to relax and solve muscular, organic or emotional problems.
Tui Na

Tuina derives from the Chinese words tui –push– and na –grip–, which are two of the 80 techniques used in this ancient therapeutic massage that acts on the meridians and energy points.

At over two thousand years old, it predates acupuncture and is the basis for almost all massages, including shiatsu.

With China becoming the second largest economy in the world and immersed in an unprecedented modernization process, tuina massage and the other traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapies not only endure, but have also been perfected and adapted to the demands of the modern world. .

Hospitals in China offer both traditional and conventional medicine to their patients to choose the treatment they want. Many people choose both.

“In China the two medicines are official,” says Dr. Cai Jian, from the Institute of Chinese Medicine in Barcelona, ​​where tuina therapy and courses are taught. Cai Jian has seen an increase in demand for this medicine in the 16 years it has been in our country.

Tuina massage is both relaxing and stimulating

Tuina massage is recommended for people of all ages and is especially beneficial in the elderly and children.

It has no contraindications and provides physical, mental and emotional balance. It promotes total relaxation and at the same time is very stimulating.

This therapy is like a reset , or reboot for the body. The days after the massage it is not strange to feel “like new”.

The most common indications for tuina massage

It is recommended for the treatment of problems in muscles, bones and ligaments. It is very effective for sports injuries and with specific problems such as sciatica, arthritis, muscle spasms and pain in the neck and back, shoulders, hips, legs, knees and ankles.

It can also help with problems of the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems, or even menstrual and infertility problems. It is also used to treat insomnia, headaches, and migraines.

Helps reduce symptoms of autism

Now new indications are being found, such as improving and reducing the symptoms of autism.

Leonid Rozman, at his Tui Na Center in London, has developed a method that can be learned by parents of autistic children. Children almost always respond very well to this massage because it is structured and predictable.

Makes the chi flow

Tuina massage, as a TCM therapy, is based on the fundamental theory of primordial energy or chi . The chi flows into the body through fourteen channels, called meridians.

If the chi flows in harmony, we feel vitality and well-being, but if the slightest jam or startle arises in the stream, pain and sickness appear.

The harmonious flow of chi can be hampered by external or internal causes. The wrong diet, stress, lack of sleep and exercise, or physical tension due to poor posture in front of the computer, standing or driving are some external causes. Among the internal ones, we can mention environmental factors such as excessive air, humidity, cold or heat.

The emotional aspect is just as important, because the imbalance in one area affects the others: daily living with family or co-workers can be frustrating and cause emotions such as fear, anger or worry to surface.

Following the path of the meridians, the tuina seeks to restore the good circulation of chi with energetic, flexible, constant and penetrating movements, and with invigorating and dispersing pressures.

How is a tuina massage session

Do not arrive freshly eaten to a tuina massage session. Better take something light an hour before.

The tuina massage is given to the person sitting or lying on a table. The therapist will spread a cotton sheet over your body, thus guaranteeing your comfort and privacy.

Keep in mind that he will ask questions about your health to make a diagnosis of the energy of the meridians, the tongue and the pulse. Each massage is tailored to the person who receives it.

Breathe normally and relax your muscles and mind while receiving the massage.

The session begins in the parts of the back where the most tension accumulates: the back and neck are kneaded and then the knots are undone one by one with a deep massage.

The therapist applies pressure by stimulating specific energy points to restore circulation in the meridians.

The last parts to be covered are the legs, feet, and finally the head and arms.

At the end, do not get up too quickly from the table to avoid dizziness. Then drink water to maintain good hydration after the treatment.

The tuina restores balance with energetic, flexible, constant and penetrating movements

Vigorous, intense, painful?

This sophisticated massage system has precise manipulation techniques such as rubbing, smoothing, scrubbing, kneading, rubbing, stretching, rolling with the fist, patting or tapping, rubbing, vibrating …

The work is done with the fingers, wrists, forearms, and elbows. It is, without a doubt, an energetic massage and its technique may surprise from the outset, because it is vigorous and works in depth, especially in tense areas of the body.

However, most people quickly get used to this type of manipulation, which many find even addictive.

Points that hurt when pressed indicate that there is a deep blockage. At these points, penetration must be progressive and several sessions are needed to access the root of the problem.

But the secret of success does not depend only on the pressure itself, but on the combination of points in which it acts.

It is contraindicated in some situations such as fractures, an infection or open wounds. It is a holistic massage and can be combined with other therapies.

Self-massage in 4 steps to alleviate fatigue and pain

You can do this self-massage at any time, but you must do it with comfortable clothes, in a quiet place, without noise and with dim light. Relax your chest, arms, and legs and notice your breath for a few minutes.

1. Rub your hands together until they feel warm and place your thumbs on your temples and rotate 40 times, while relaxing your wrists, elbows, and shoulders.

2. Draw a diagonal line from the angle of the eyebrows to the hairline and again rotate your thumbs. Describe about 40 circles in the area.

3. Interlace your hands and place them on the nape of the neck, then gently massage the base of the neck with the heel of the palms, grasping it and releasing it. Repeat these movements for a few minutes to relax the tension. Appreciate how the sensation spreads to the rest of your back.

4. Rub your hands again and place them over your closed eyes. Breathe like this relaxed for several minutes.

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