Not Just For Dessert: Full Fruit-based Menu

Many reasons to include fruit in your recipes

Fruits have a diversity of colors, textures and flavors that surpasses that of any other food and, in addition, they are full of nutrients.

They nourish you with abundant minerals and vitamins

They are a good source of water-soluble vitamins (B and C), although some – such as mandarin oranges, blackberries or peaches – also contain provitamin A, which is fat-soluble

They provide potassium, magnesium and even calcium, like figs and raspberries, and are allies against premature aging thanks to their richness in antioxidants such as carotenes.

They take care of your digestive health and help you purify

As they contain a lot of water, they easily hydrate our body, facilitate the purifying functions of the kidney and, with the exception of some such as avocado, they are very light.

They are usually very digestible and their richness in soluble fibers helps reduce cholesterol, prevents constipation and makes them satiating.

How to cook with fruits

We have seen that fruit is a healthy way to complete any menu, when taking it as a dessert, but that we can prepare it in many other ways, including cooking it and thus facilitating its digestion. Let’s now see some uses of fruit and tricks to use it in the kitchen.

To give a counterpoint of flavor

We must lose the fear of using them in a main dish, because the sweetness of the fruits can enhance certain salty flavors or attenuate the spiciness, especially if we use citrus fruits.

They also balance the bitterness sometimes released by artichokes, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower … Or to correct acidity, as when we put apple in a tomato sauce.

At any time of the year

Because of their freshness, they are ideal for summer, but nothing prevents using a delicious pear in a steaming winter dish.

In addition, we can take advantage of the greener fruit to cook it.

A cooking method for each fruit

Almost all those with bone can be cooked as vegetables, and others, such as pineapple, banana or watermelon, are better on the grill.

But of all the usual cooking methods, the oven is one of the best for fruits because it enhances their sweetness and gives them a very rich texture, although they should be wrapped in parchment paper so that they do not become too dry.

Spices to enhance its flavor

Almost all fruits go well with exotic spices (ginger, cinnamon, vanilla…). One mix that works is the combination of allspice, cinnamon, star anise, nutmeg, and mint.

The proportion will depend on whether we want the recipe sharp or sweet.

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