6 Benefits Of Having Flowers At Home

The beauty and aroma of flowers offer you an immediate dose of well-being. We give you 6 reasons to always have them at home.
flowers at home

It is no longer a secret that being surrounded by nature produces a long list of benefits for physical and mental health, and that they are scientifically proven.

Of course, walking calmly for hours through a forest of centuries-old trees is an incomparable experience, but when we are not going to nature, we can welcome a small representation in the form of plants and flowers, which provide us with similar benefits.

1. Flowers fight stress and depression

Fresh flowers in the home fight worry and sadness, according to a study by Dr. Nancy Etcoff of Harvard University.

Their research found that visible flowers in the kitchen, dining room and living room help us to be more empathetic and compassionate towards others, lessen our worries and anxieties, and we feel less depressed.

After a few days in the company of the flowers, the study participants stated that they had the urge to see them first thing in the morning and that it helped them start the day in a positive mood.

Other research, led by Dr. Largo-Wight, from the University of North Florida, concluded that including flowers in interior spaces produces a reduction in stress in the people who inhabit them, especially among women.

2. Improve memory

Researchers Raanaas, Evensen, Rich, Sjostrom, and Patil found that cognitive performance is higher in offices with plants and flowers than in workplaces without them.

The flowers especially stimulate memory, which is related to the sense of smell. Scented flowers, such as jasmine, lily, honeysuckle or gardenia, stimulate a wealth of memories.

3. They reinforce creativity

Dr. Larissa Larsen, a researcher at the University of Michigan (USA), has proven that flowers at home and at work increase creativity and productivity.

In a study by Dr. Roger Ulrich of Texas A&M University, both women and men demonstrated more innovative thinking in the presence of flowers and plants. They generated more ideas and original solutions to problems in the office environment.

In this environment, the men who participated in the study generated 15% more ideas. Women, for their part, generated more creative and flexible solutions to problems when flowers and plants were present.

4. They clean the air

Flowers not only give off a pleasant scent, but are also capable of absorbing toxic compounds that float in the air in a room.

Spatyphils, gerberas and bromeliads have been shown to be especially effective in cleaning indoor atmospheres, as studies by environmental engineer Bill Wolverton for NASA have shown.

Flowers can even be used in bedrooms to enhance a night’s rest.

5. They boost your health

Drs Park and Mattson have confirmed in a study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology that patients who have flowers and plants in their rooms during their hospital stay need less pain relievers after operations, have lower blood pressure and are less anxious than patients in rooms without flowers or plants.

6. And they make you happy

A simple glance at a flower makes you feel more vital and hopeful. It’s one of the basic health tips from Dr. Andrew Weil, a pioneer of integrative medicine and a professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

You don’t have to wait until you’re sick and in a hospital to enjoy the beneficial effects of flowers on your body!

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