Immunostimulating Infusion To Prevent Flu And Infections

This formula based on 7 plants gives you physical resistance and strengthens your immune system against respiratory, digestive and urinary infections.
Infusion to improve our defenses

The action of pathogens causes infections, which weaken and make our body sick.

The stronger our immune system, the more difficult it will be for these pathogens to affect us.

Infusion to strengthen the immune system

This formula strengthens the immune system and prevents the arrival of infections, be they in the respiratory system –flu, pneumonia, laryngitis-, as well as the digestive system –gastritis, intestinal infections- or the urinary system –cystitis-.

It works by increasing the formation of leukocytes and B cells or lymphocytes, enhances the action of cells that engulf or destroy pathogens that enter our body, and provides us with physical resistance.

Some of these plants are rich in minerals and vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, which is a magnificent inducer of resistance to infections.

Above all, it has a purely preventive character, but in many cases it can help you when the infection has already taken place, preventing it from spreading.


  • 10 g of echinacea ( Echinacea angustifolia )
  • 10 g of perpetual ( Helichrysum stoechas )
  • 10 g of wild rose ( Rosa canina )
  • 10 g of alfalfa ( Medicago sativa )
  • 10 g of Eleutherococcus ( Eleuterococus senticosus )
  • 10 g thyme ( Thymus vulgaris )
  • 10 g licorice ( Glycyrrhyza glabra )


  1. Mix the plants well on a flat surface.
  2. Separate a tablespoon of the mixture for each glass of water.
  3. Boil 3-4 minutes and keep it at rest for 10 more minutes.
  4. After that time, strain.

Drink one or two cups a day, which you can sweeten with thyme honey.

There are preparations based on mixtures of extracts of these plants, available in herbalists.

This article has been prepared with the advice of Josep Maria Teixé, herbalist at El Manantial de Salud.

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