Lucuma: A Superfood To Replace Sugar

This Amazonian fruit is an excellent natural sweetener. It does not cause glucose ups and downs, supports digestive well-being and is full of antioxidants.

The lucuma, a fruit of Peruvian origin, remembered for how an avocado. Its hard green skin surrounds a fleshy and sweet yellow pulp and a texture similar to that of a dried egg yolk.

The flavor is a mixture of caramel and sweet potato, and although it has this distinctly sweet touch, it has a low glycemic index that makes it suitable for people with diabetes.

Lucuma: sweet, nutritious and beneficial for the body

The lucuma known for its high density of nutrients, fiber and antioxidants, which can have a very positive impact on our health and wellbeing.

Among them are beta carotenes, powerful antioxidants precursors of vitamin A, necessary for cell growth and eye health.

Also vitamin B 3, important for muscle development; This vitamin is abundant in meat, so if we follow a vegetable diet, lucuma can be a great source.

Its fiber (2.7 grams / 100 grams) will also contribute to improving intestinal mobility.

Finally, lucuma gives you traces of minerals : zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Its richness in antioxidants, which counteract the effect of free radicals, makes it beneficial for taking care of the skin. Beta-carotenes stimulate the repair of cell damage and the growth of new cells, including those in the dermis.

Vitamin C, present in less quantity and also an antioxidant, stimulates the creation of collagen, which provides elasticity.

Thanks to a very low glycemic index, it is considered a suitable sweetener for people with diabetes or other blood glucose imbalances. If we use it to sweeten our dishes and drinks, it will help stabilize our sugar and insulin levels, avoiding glucose peaks and their consequent plummeting.

The pulp, soft in texture and not acidic, is well tolerated by the stomach in case of gastritis. Its beta-carotenes will in turn help repair the irritability of the intestinal walls. It is also astringent, that is, it contracts the walls and dries secretions, which makes stools drier.

Its fiber helps maintain good intestinal health, especially if it is used as a substitute for refined sugar. It will have a prebiotic effect and in turn will help regulate intestinal transit.

According to recent studies, lucuma can also help to take care of the heart by regulating blood pressure.

How to take it

As it is difficult to obtain fresh fruit, it is sold dry, in lyophilized powder format . This can be easily added to juices, smoothies, sauces, and dessert recipes.

It is ideal to replace white sugar : it does not provide empty calories and is a good source of very valuable nutrients.

Lucuma is a very good flavor enhancer and an excellent natural sweetener, which provides a very special touch of aroma to culinary preparations.

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