Goat’s Foot To Combat Gout, Rheumatism And Varicose Veins

Most of the time, goat’s foot is considered a weed that grows undesirably in the garden or on the balcony. But instead of eliminating this plant, it is necessary to take advantage of its medicinal properties to mitigate problems such as gout, rheumatism or varicose veins.
Aegopodium podagraria

The Latin name of the plant known in Castilian as goat’s foot, podagraria or yerba de San Gerardo, Aegopodium podagraria , refers to the use that was given since ancient times to this plant to treat gout or “podagra”, and diseases painful joints, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Goat’s foot contains anti-inflammatory, alkalizing and diuretic active ingredients that help break down the unique acid crystals that cause gout. These substances also relieve rheumatic and painful inflammation of the joints.

Goat’s foot bath for gout and rheumatism

A warm and relaxing bath with a goat’s foot infusion can be of great help, as it counteracts pain and inflammation. You can also take a sitz bath to treat sciatica and hemorrhoids.

To prepare the bath you need:


  • 500 g of fresh goat foot leaves
  • 1 liter of water
  • A cotton cloth to strain or a fine strainer


  1. In a saucepan, bring the leaves to a boil in the water and simmer for five minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and let the liquid rest for ten minutes, covered.
  3. Strain the infusion with a cotton cloth or a fine strainer
  4. The goat’s foot infusion can be poured directly into the bath water. You can bathe for 15 to 20 minutes. A short period of rest is recommended afterwards, keeping you warm.

Application of fresh goat’s foot leaves

In the case of suffering acute pain in inflamed joints or an insect bite, you can directly apply the fresh leaves placed on the affected area. To do this, gently crush some fresh goat’s foot leaves, for example with a rolling pin or in a mortar, and place them on the painful areas.

In the case of hemorrhoids, insect bites and burns, an infusion of goat’s foot can be prepared to soak a compress that is left for a while on the affected area.

Goat’s foot detox infusion

Drinking the goat’s foot infusion helps to eliminate toxins and excess uric acid and thus counteracts excessive acidification of the body. It is also a remedy for cystitis.

To make the infusion, pour 250 milliters of boiling water over a tablespoon of fresh leaves or dried goat’s foot leaves. After ten minutes you can strain the infusion and drink when it is warm. To make the cure, three cups of the infusion should be taken daily for four weeks.

Goat’s Foot Fresh Smoothie Treatment

An alternative to the infusion is to drink the fresh juice of the plant. To prepare a daily amount of juice, take a handful of fresh leaves, crush them with a processor and mix them with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. The shake is drunk for two or three weeks distributed throughout the day. You have to make it every day.

Goat’s foot is also delicious and beneficial if you add it from time to time to your green smoothies or mixed fruit and vegetable shakes.

Goat’s foot against varicose veins

Goat’s foot wraps and compresses can also help in the case of swollen legs affected by varicose veins due to poor blood circulation. For this, the same recipe for the goat’s foot bath should be used.

Once the infusion is cold, cotton cloths are taken, soaked in the infusion and wrapped around the sore legs. You have to leave them on for 15 to 20 minutes.

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