3 Tips To Get Back To The Routine Cooking With Enthusiasm

After the holidays and the summer, it is important to set small challenges and daily motivations. And if it is in the kitchen, much better!

September arrives and as always the return to the routine after a very hot and calm summer. The good thing about starting over is being able to do things to your liking, reorganizing yourself according to your needs and setting short-term goals that can greatly improve your meals (and your cooking).

We will also have the support of all the vegetables, vegetables and fruits that are now in season, which are not few, and the drop in temperatures that encourages us to approach the stoves. Today I share three tips for returning to the routine that will motivate you to cook more and better.

1. Rearrange your kitchen

Take advantage and take out everything you have in cabinets, drawers and pantry. Get rid of everything expired, useless or very deteriorated. In the case of kitchen accessories, if you have not used them in the last year, it is very likely that they are useless and you do not need them.

Give them away, donate them or throw them away (for some, such as pans and electrical appliances, go to the nearest clean point ). You will have more space and you will get rid of unnecessary objects.

When repositioning, everything is visible and within easy reach. Things that you put at the end of the cabinets or are difficult to access will remain there creating dust. If you do not want to leave empty spaces, take advantage of them to put things that you do want to keep even if you do not use daily (for example boxes with unused glassware).

Write down the accessories that would be useful for better organization, for example a wall shelf for spices or a magnetic knife holder, which is always a better option than having the knives by the drawer with the rest of the cutlery.

Also take the opportunity to wash all the rags and cloths. Recycle those that are very old, torn or not cleaned well. Write down what type of rags you need to buy only the necessary ones.

2. Plan your meals

Planning meals in advance gives us the advantage of being able to buy exactly what we need. So we do not waste food, we do not buy more than necessary and, above all, we do not buy other superfluous things that do not fall within the scheme that we have created.

In autumn we have new vegetables, vegetables and seasonal fruits, different from those of summer. You can find them in Cuerpomente’s seasonal calendars to find out which ones you will have in the greengrocer at a good price and of good quality and base the meals that you write down in your weekly plan on it.

If it is not clear to you or you do not like planning, at least make an outline of the things you would like to do or try next week. Write down the dishes and their ingredients and, with that, make the shopping list. You can also list other dishes with the same (or similar) ingredients in case you decide to change your mind at the last minute and prepare something else. The important thing is to have ingredients on hand.

If you eat out, take a container with you. Eat more of the meals you plan and you will have left over to take away or eat another day. Remember to always keep food in the fridge in tightly closed containers.

3. Try new recipes

Since we’re serious, commit to trying at least one new recipe every week. Get inspired by reading food blogs, new vegan recipes on Pinterest or Instagram.

Write down the recipe and ingredients and add them to your shopping list. Choose preferably recipes that serve you on a daily basis, not ice cream, desserts or sweets.

For example, recipes for curries, pastas or oriental rice, mezzes , stews, stews, soups, etc. Knowing new recipes of this type helps us to have much more variety in all our meals. From them, in addition, you can create your own variations with the ingredients that are in season and never get bored.

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