Recipe To Prepare An Energizing Bath

Himalayan salt, dried flowers, vegetable and essential oils … The best of organic cosmetics, for a revitalizing, moisturizing and detoxifying effect
Everything you need

The pillars of organic cosmetics are closely linked with the simplest elements of nature, but they are still powerful and effective in terms of their positive effects on the human being at a physical, health and emotional level. With simple and natural ingredients we can make endless mixtures and therefore, countless treatments of all kinds and for all kinds of physical and health needs.

All these ingredients are ingredients that have not been chemically altered, that are 100% natural and that, therefore, are in the vast majority of the times much cheaper and more accessible than many conventional products, which have been industrialized and manufactured in laboratories.

When one works with such natural products, it is very important to keep in mind that we are working with the essence of each ingredient, without any modification or alteration and that is why it is important to know the effects of each of the ingredients.

On this occasion, we will work with phytotherapy (plants and flowers), aromatherapy (essential oils), halotherapy (salt) and with synergies (mixture of vegetable oils with essential oils).

It is important to remember that essential oils are very powerful and that they are not soluble in water; For this reason it is necessary that in order for them to act more potently, they must be dissolved in oil or directly in the salts before applying them. Also remember that essential oils are not suitable for people with allergies, pregnant people or with medical treatments such as chemotherapy. Two drops of each essential oil will be enough.

In this post we will make a mixture to use as therapy in the bath, foot baths and floral inhalations; and the ingredients we have chosen have a revitalizing, moisturizing and detoxifying effect on the body.

Remember that all our recipes may vary in terms of the effect and use of the ingredients and the way to apply them; but it will be in future Post where I will explain more fully about how wonderful and versatile it is to make natural and homemade cosmetics.

Pink Himalayan salt, the purest in the world

We will work with Himalayan pink salts. This salt is more than 250 million years old on earth and that is why it is considered the purest salt that exists, absolutely free of toxins or pollutants. Along with pure spring water, Himalayan salt offers all the natural elements that our body needs.

We will make a synergy of vegetable almond oil, known for its versatility and its great contribution of hydration; and we will mix it with geranium essential oil, which is highly anti-inflammatory, and cedar essential oil, which has the characteristic of being purifying and detoxifying.

If anyone is pregnant or has an allergy to an essential oil, the essential oils can be removed from the recipe or lavender essential oil can be applied.

Our floral mix will be hibiscus, which has highly purifying and moisturizing properties, with dried rose flowers, known for their delicate and moisturizing effects on sensitive skin, and we will add a teaspoon of dried orange peels, which enhance our treatment and provide the essential oil from orange peel, with its decongestant and sebum-regulating qualities of the skin.

In order to perform the bath or foot bath, we will have to mix our ingredients in the appropriate proportions depending on whether it will be a bath or foot bath:

For bathroom

  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 4 drops of each essential oil, mixed with two tablespoons of almond oil
  • 2 tablespoons of the flower mix

For footbath

  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 2 drops of each essential oil with a tablespoon of almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon of the flower mix

The foot bath preparation can be used, if a bathtub is not available, in the shower, spraying it over the body with a saucepan. It is recommended that in any case the water is at a pleasant temperature of 30-32 degrees. Also, if you mix all the ingredients in an airtight container you can save them to use on another occasion with all their aroma and properties.

I hope this recipe has been interesting for you and I wait for you here in the next post!

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