10 Keys To Creating A Smart Pantry

Eating healthy implies knowing how to choose the best options when shopping, as well as storing food well. Some strategies help to organize in the kitchen and gain health.

It is known that a balanced and quality diet is one of the fundamental pillars to enjoy well-being, but it is often forgotten that to prepare good food the first step is an intelligent planning of the purchase, that is, an organized pantry that includes the basic ingredients that are going to be needed and that offer optimal storage conditions.

Keep in mind the usual number of diners you are cooking for, the time you have to shop and cook, and the space available to store food. Based on this, the weekly menus are established , trying to find a balance between the freshest and most perishable foods, and the best-preserved ingredients, including frozen.

The fewer factors left to improvisation, the cheaper, faster and healthier the dishes will be. The ideal pantry should be stocked with a wide variety of foods to ensure an enjoyable and nutrient-rich diet. Although seasonal fruits and vegetables should be prioritized, you should also include long-lasting and preserved foods, such as peppers, jams, asparagus, or artichoke hearts.

Thus, ingredients will be available to improvise a quick meal. Among the easy-to-preserve foods are nuts, especially with the shell, the nutritious dried seaweed or shitake mushrooms, also dehydrated.

10 questions about how to organize the pantry

We solve some of the most common doubts when organizing to have enough healthy food to eat well all week.

1. How do I plan the purchase?

To plan the purchase, you can divide the food into groups : in that of cereals you should not miss the brown rice, very versatile, but you can also include millet or quinoa, rich in protein and quick to prepare.

Among processed cereals, do not forget dry pasta or flakes, not only for breakfast. It is also good to have couscous or bulgur, and some flour (wheat, corn or chickpeas), for batters.

The pulses are indispensable, as well as keep well, are a good source of protein, especially combined with cereals. You have to count on oil, spices and dried aromatic plants.

2. Is a weekly purchase enough?

Yes. Today, thanks to the refrigerators, it is possible to renew the pantry by going to the markets only once a week, since most of the most perishable foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, are kept in good condition for at least 6 days if stored at a temperature of about 8ºC.

3. How to store fresh food?

Most vegetables (carrots, aubergines, leeks, chard or zucchini) keep for up to two weeks in the fridge. Potatoes, onions, garlic, and some varieties of squash prefer room temperature.

Fruits are stored at around 8ºC, except for tropical ones and those that are green.

4. What foods are basic?

Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dry pasta and legumes. Also seeds and nuts. You can buy tofu and quinoa once a week. In addition, you have to include a good virgin olive oil.

5. Are canned legumes healthy?

Legumes need to cook for a long time, even if they have been soaked the night before. For that reason, having a jar of cooked legumes in the pantry can be helpful. It is important to avoid jars with artificial additives or excessive salt content. Better to rinse them well.

6. What are the best frozen ones?

Ideally, choose frozen base foods, such as peas, corn, or artichoke hearts, that have only been lightly blanched to inactivate some enzymes and yeasts. It is advisable to avoid more processed frozen foods, such as pre-cooked dishes or those that
contain fats and cheeses.

7. What snacks are healthier?

Nuts like cashews, walnuts, almonds, or peanuts. They keep well, especially if they are bought unpeeled. It is also good to have corn, to make popcorn at home, or rice or puffed wheat pancakes. You can include whole grain cookies or corn chips, if they are not abused and they are of quality.

8. What should you read before buying?

The expiration date. It must be distinguished from the date of preferred consumption, which only indicates the moment from which this product has lost part of its organoleptic properties but can be consumed.

In processed foods and long-life preserves, it is good to read the labels carefully.

9. What condiments are more practical?

The classics are unrefined sea salt, pepper and vinegar. The rest depends on personal taste. Basic spices are turmeric, paprika, nutmeg or cinnamon. Miso, tamari, gomasio, or herbal salt are good options.

10. How should a pantry be?

A scrupulous cleaning is the main requirement to avoid moths, insects and microorganisms that can damage food. The cabinets must be away from any source of heat, have doors that protect them from light and be, at the same time, sufficiently ventilated.

9. How fast should it be renewed?

The pantry is not a simple food warehouse, because food, even before expiring, loses vitamins and organoleptic properties even if they are kept in optimal conditions. For this reason, it is useful to label foods with the date they were purchased and to keep a weekly count.

If you are more interested, you can find more information in the courses of the BodyMente School: ‘How to organize your pantry’ and ‘How to organize your weekly menu’.

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