Find The Answers In Your Dreams

In ancient times the healing capacity of dreams was known. Today’s medicine is rediscovering it: in dreams we find effective solutions.
Messages in dreams

In the cold winter, going from Athens to Epidaurus had exhausted her. But losing sight in one eye had given him the motivation and strength to get there. He knew of other people who had been healed after sleeping one night in the temple.

The monks took great pains to attend to the visitors who came from all over. She listened to his instructions and prepared herself: she bathed in the waters, said her prayers, lay down in a space surrounded by snakes …

And that night she had a dream in which the god Aesculapius told her that he would cure her. In return he would donate a silver ingot to the temple. Then he dropped some kind of medicine into his diseased eye. When he woke up he was in perfect condition.

The testimony of Ambrosia of Athens is one of many that we find in the tablets inscribed in Epidaurus and in so many other dream temples throughout Ancient Greece.

Understand the messages of dreams

This connection between dreams and health may seem like a superstition of the past but, in the light of what science tells us today, if we relate properly to our dreams we can recognize their ability to diagnose and even treat diseases.

Dr. Larry Burk suspected that dreams could warn of the development of a disease, so, in 2014, he appealed to users of the DreamsCloud social network who had had breast cancer. He found women from all over the world who had dreams that announced the disease to them and decided to undergo a review that ended up confirming it.

On the other hand, dreams could be fulfilling a prescriptive function, pointing out what to do or what not to do when faced with a health problem.

When Esther came to my office, she wasn’t just worried about her low mood. He also told me about chronic cervical discomfort. We understood that this pain could be related to the belief that he should meet his mother’s expectations.

After training to be able to have lucid dreams, I proposed to Esther that, in the next one, she ask her mother to put her hands on her back and transmit heat to her. Upon awakening from this dream his pain had diminished considerably.

Carlos came to the consultation suffering from significant stress that manifested itself with breathing difficulties and dreams in which he was suffocating in narrow spaces. In one session he told me about one in which, trapped in a tunnel, he remembered that he had to breathe deeply. The tunnel was then stained an intense blue and he woke up relaxed.

I suggested that, throughout the day, she visualize that color while doing some breathing exercises. In the same way that certain dream images express physical illness, others show the attempt to heal our organism.

Visualizing these images, which come from our unconscious, can multiply their strength. Fortunately, more and more doctors and psychologists defend that – as women and men did in ancient times – today dreams should also be taken into account in integrative medicine, as allies for our health and well-being.

Tonight … seek your healing dreams

As if you were visiting one of the temples in Ancient Greece tonight, ask your dreams for help.

If you have any illness or physical ailment, focus on it just before falling asleep with the intention of having a healing dream.

When you wake up, take note of any details you remember, no matter how irrelevant they may seem. Explore what you have written down and consider the possibility that these images are referring to your body.

Could they be referring to a context that is not beneficial for you or an attitude that should be changed? Perhaps your dreams propose a change in your diet. If you dream that you drink carrot juice by the sea, it is most likely a food that you should take.

If a powerful or joyful image appears (a warrior fighting a dragon, a beautiful landscape …) visualize it as clearly as you can and reliving the emotions it awakens. Consider this visualization your inner medicine and practice it at different times of the day.

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