It’s Summer, Enjoy The Infused Waters!

They help you stay hydrated and keep your weight under control, as they do not contain sugars. Enjoy infused waters.
infused waters

No sodas with sugars or sweeteners. This summer, try the healthy fashion of infused waters. They are refreshing, healthy and light, and they are here to stay with us.

An infused water – the result of letting it sit in the fridge with some fresh food that leaves its trace of flavor – is just what we need when the heat is on.

The infused waters are healthy and sugar-free soft drinks

In the most up-to-date coffee shops you will see large jugs of water in which orange or lemon slices and mint leaves float. You can take this idea home with you and prepare infused waters to your liking.

Vegetable infused waters

Oranges, strawberries, raspberries, and other fruits are the most popular ingredients, but you can also turn to vegetables for surprising flavors.

For example, cucumber slices offer a very refreshing result. If you add a few slices of ginger that provide a spicy note, the flavor changes radically.

With aromatic plants

You can also add leaves or twigs of aromatic or medicinal plants. To better extract its flavor you can make a hot infusion with a small amount of water and then dilute it in fresh water.

Modulate the intensity of the flavor

There are two factors that influence the intensity of the flavor: the size of the pieces of fruit or vegetable that you leave in the water and the infusion time.

To obtain a more intense flavor, you will cut the food into smaller pieces and leave it for a longer time, which can range from a few minutes to 24 hours (always in the refrigerator).

You can also stir the water with the contents from time to time to help the juices come out. Before drinking it, you can filter it to retain any fiber that has been released.

The fruits and vegetables that you have used can be used as ingredients in smoothies.

Why are the infused waters healthy?

If the water has the taste of food, it is because it has left aromatic substances in it, which are normally phytochemical compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you have used medicinal plants, you will also benefit from its active principles.

On the other hand, unlike juices, the sugars do not pass into the water and the drink has practically no calories. If we add the fact that drinking water helps you feel full and less hungry, infused water can become a great ally if you want to lose a few kilos.

On the other hand, infused waters help you stay hydrated, especially if the water as it is is not very attractive to you.

Find your flavor formula

One of the graces of infused waters is that you can let your imagination run wild to find the combination of aromas that you like the most. As a starting point, here are some possibilities:

  • Grapes, raspberries and cucumber.
  • Blueberries, apple and raspberries.
  • Kiwi, cherries and pomegranates.
  • Ginger, cucumber and lemon.
  • Orange and coriander
  • Grapefruit and rosemary
  • Orange, blackberry and mint
  • Raspberry, rose petals and vanilla
  • Watermelon and mint
  • Peach and sage

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