4 Traditional Egg-free Dishes

If you don’t consume eggs for ethical or health reasons, there are tricks that allow you to continue cooking the recipes you like the most
Eggless sponge cake

When we decide to do without the egg, either for ethical reasons or for a health issue, we often miss some typical traditional dishes. From the omelette to scrambled eggs, passing through battered ones, our gastronomy usually includes eggs in many of its recipes.

How to substitute the egg in traditional dishes

But not eating eggs and continuing to enjoy these typical dishes is not incompatible. We tell you how to substitute the egg in traditional recipes.

1. Battered and breaded

Beer is added to a bowl with several tablespoons of wheat flour until a thick paste is obtained, ideal for batters. You can also use soy flour (two tablespoons) and water (four tablespoons).

2. Tortillas

Chickpea flour is whipped with a splash of apple cider vinegar until the mixture has the texture of beaten egg. Adding a pinch of Indian black salt ( kala namak ) reinforces the egg flavor due to the hydrogen sulfide content.

3. Scrambled “eggs”

A similar effect is achieved with firm, pressed (to remove the water) and crumbled tofu. We sauté it in a pan with oil, a pinch of turmeric and brewer’s yeast.

4. Mayonnaise

It is assembled by adding olive oil to a glass of soy milk at room temperature while beating. It is seasoned with lemon or vinegar and salt.

Have vegan powdered egg in the pantry

It doesn’t hurt to have a packet of commercial egg substitute in the pantry . “The Vegg”, for example, is a substitute for egg yolk based on dry yeast, alginate, becarotene and other ingredients, among which are several vitamins of group B. “No Egg” and “Energ-G” are whole egg substitutes, made from potato starch, tapioca flour, methylcellulose, and other ingredients. They are quick and suitable options for preparations such as meringue. A homemade version can be made by mixing 20 g of instant puree and 60 ml of whole yogurt (unflavored soy).

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