Meditation To Cultivate Confidence In Times Of Uncertainty

When situations get out of our control, part of us may feel stressed or anxious about not being able to intervene or not knowing what is going to happen. In these moments it is important to cultivate an internal sense of confidence.

Our mind often has the need to control the course of situations by pushing us to do something to make them happen as we want or to know how they will happen.

This attitude leads to a lack of confidence and resilience and can become a source of suffering and anxiety.

We seek to feel safe

Seemingly having things under control gives us a certain sense of security. Although that security is not exactly real, since most aspects of life are a mystery that is not within our control.

That is why it is important to be open to her as it happens, honoring her unknown and her uncertainty with humility.

We cannot control what happens, but we can control how we perceive it: as a problem to fight or as a gift to be thankful for. Choosing the second option stabilizes us internally, and that is where true security lies.

An attitude of trust and openness allows both life and ourselves to unfold spontaneously and without limits, flowing to our full potential and giving rise to our infinite possibilities.

How to Meditate to Cultivate Confidence

  • Sit comfortably, connect with your breath and with the present moment through it. Become aware of your body and relax it, releasing tensions.
  • Locate the feeling of uncertainty within you and observe it with curiosity. With compassion, embrace the part of you that is suffering from that uncertainty.
  • If you perceive resistance towards uncertainty, embrace the resistance.
  • Gives the welcome all your feelings and see how they move and evolve.
  • Find in yourself the relief of not being in control, not being able, and not having to do anything. And give yourself permission to rest in it, breathing deeply.
  • You are where you need to be. What has to happen happens. There is nothing to do, just be open to living any situation that life gives you.
  • Make a gesture of surrendering to life in its mystery, its unknown and its impermanence, stimulating your curiosity towards this process of constant change.
  • Connect with a sense of trust within yourself. Trust that everything that happens is a great opportunity and has a purpose.
  • Visualize a giant and loving hand that supports you and surrender to it, abandon yourself with confidence.
  • Give room for the feeling of trust within you and feel it.

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