4 Effective Homeopathic Remedies Against Burnout Syndrome

If your body can no longer keep up with you, both emotionally and physically, you may suffer from burnout syndrome or what is traditionally known as “Be burned”. Homeopathy offers you options to cope with it.
Work stress

The burnout syndrome, which means “being burned out”, is a type of work stress that is characterized at the beginning by a decrease in effectiveness and efficiency, with a feeling of unjustified physical and emotional fatigue, followed by an impoverishment of personal relationships that they lead to an increase in mental absenteeism (disconnection from tasks) and physical absenteeism with progressively longer delays in returning to the workplace.

Over time, burnout syndrome can also lead to symptoms of anxiety and other more serious conditions, such as depression. Before the appearance of the first symptoms, it is advisable to act. There are several very useful homeopathic remedies for burnout that must be considered.

Homeopathy for stress

We have selected four homeopathic remedies that could be helpful in cases of this type of work stress , according to the symptoms associated with this syndrome. However, it would be appropriate to visit a homeopathic doctor for a complete study and personalized treatment.

1. Phosphoricum acidum 15 CH

Phosphoricum acidum 15 CH is suitable for treating burnout when there is nervous exhaustion, with indifference and apathy or if you have difficulty in ordering your ideas. It is also convenient when intellectual work is exhausting, you are sleepy in the afternoon, you suffer from insomnia at night and you suffer from headaches. It is advisable to take 3 to 5 granules, three times a day.

2. Ignatia amara 15 CH

The Ignatia amara 15 CH is suitable when work stress involves mood swings and paradoxical behavior. It is suitable for people who are sensitive to setbacks and who improve with distraction.

It is also suitable for treating burnout when frequent sighing, emotional tachycardia, anticipatory fear, anxiety or reactive depressive syndromes appear. The homeopathic doctor should guide the dose depending on the case.

3. Aconitum napellus 15 CH

Aconitum napellus 15 CH is a homeopathic remedy that is usually prescribed when stress at work causes insomnia and night awakenings occur during sleep that are also accompanied by anxiety and agitation.

It is also the remedy of choice when paroxysmal tachycardia appears . More or less granules are taken per day depending on the symptoms. It is advisable to consult with the doctor.

4. Argentum nitricum 15 CH

If you suffer fear in advance and you fear upcoming events: taking the train, the plane, an exam, a meeting … the Argentum nitricum 15 CH should be. This is the remedy of choice also if there is habitual agitation, emotional diarrhea or frequent difficulty falling asleep.

Likewise, it is convenient in case of the appearance of tremors, annoying dizziness and recurrent headaches.

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