“Feeling Matters More Than Doing And Doing Matters More Than Having”

Mimi Albero has made yoga and holistic nutrition her philosophy of life, something she shares with her thousands of followers on social media .

Mimi Albero was collaborating with big brands in the fields of advertising, marketing and creativity when she realized that this was not her world. Now, from her status as a yogini and holistic health coach , she wants to connect and accompany all those people who approach her. Evolution, that’s his favorite concept. If you want to find it, look for it while enjoying the sea.

–Your website and your social networks transmit a lot of peace and tenderness, are they a reflection of Mimi Albero?
“If we speak in general, they should be.” However, I believe that social media is a distorted mirror of reality shaped by the ego. In my case, social networks are the platform through which I can express content that is in tune with my interests or experiences.

What you refer to as a reflection I understand more as the way of transmitting it. Given this, I can only say that it is totally intrinsic and that it is aligned to the state or stage in which I find myself, which, of course, is governed under the premise of constant and evolutionary change.

– Today yoga is part of your life, but how was your first contact with this discipline?
-The first contact was very superficial, I competed in triathlon and practiced yoga in order to stretch my muscles (when I could not afford to go to the physio, I went to yoga). The hyperactivity overwhelmed me, I loved to compete, I was very impatient and I only went to complement my training. That was my first contact.

– If a few years ago they had told you that it was going to become your philosophy of life, what would you have told them?
-Impossible. I would have told them they don’t know me. Et voilà. Constant change…

– And what of the retreats, how did you come up with it?
–Yoga is a holistic practice for life that is experienced in an evolutionary way. Today, we do not give ourselves the time or space to include in our lives these types of experiences that allow us to develop as human beings.

The purpose of Artsoulogy is to facilitate this space and time that enriches and transforms us.

– Looking at you and the large number of people of your generation, and even younger, concerned about sustainability, vegetarian and vegan food, healthy habits …, could it be said that young people are more aware?
-More aware but not more aware. I wish it was like that. My opinion is that it is not enough. Consciousness is a term that even science has not explored in depth.

That we use the term conscience in environmental, social and other areas does not mean that it really implies what it means. In fact, I think that it is democratizing and it diminishes the importance of the true transformation that involves accessing one’s own and universal consciousness.

Hence yoga. That is why Artsoulogy. Global consciousness, whatever the scope, can only be achieved after having experienced individual consciousness. How can you feel compassion for a cow if you don’t feel compassion for yourself? How can you prevent another living being from being free from suffering if you constantly suffer? And so with everything …

–What was it that made you stop taking products of animal origin and change your habits?
-This year marks 10 years since I stopped eating meat, I finished reading “The China Study” (Colin Campbell, T. and Campbell, Thomas M., Ed. Sirio) and I did not eat meat or dairy products again.

– Would you say that it is easy to take this series of habits out of your usual environment?
-It depends on the priorities you have and the circumstances in which you find yourself, but usually it is much simpler than it seems. With the perspective of these last 10 years, now it is undoubtedly much easier.

– Have you ever had to face unfortunate comments or judgments due to your type of diet or your lifestyle?
–Yes, often, especially because of the labels and the custom that humans have in categorizing (vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, raw vegan, ovo-lacto-vegetarian, fruitarian …). It is something absurd that ties and stagnates us.

Being aware of what it really means to be part of a system that you have not chosen, that does not represent you and that oppresses you goes much further than changing the label you choose for the Instagram bio.

– How did you deal with it?
– I realized that, many times, those who question do not even want to hear an answer. Also that whoever attacks does not do so in a personal and unidirectional way, but rather it is their reaction when they see that their customs or the habits with which they identify are threatened. The expectations of others are not my responsibility and each one chooses his path freely.

Since then, the energy I invest in giving explanations varies depending on how much or how little I care about the bond of the person asking for them.

– How is an ordinary day in your life?
–Since 2017, I do my best to live in solar time. This means that I get up a little before sunrise and go to bed a little after sunset. With a margin of approximately two hours, depending on the week and depending on where I am, the activities I do, etc.

I practice yoga every day respecting the lunar cycle. I do it when it dawns.

I am at least one hour of walking outdoors with my dogs and if the weather allows it, in some natural environment, be it on the beach, in the field or in the mountains. This is the most “routine” that I can describe in the last four years, in everything else I am flowing, literally.

–Surfing is also another of your great passions, what do you feel when you are on the board?
“I have a lot of fun.” Although I have had some other substitute as well. Surfing, regardless of sports, is a wonderful mindfulness practice. Everything happens in a matter of seconds and you have to be there, with everything, at all times. On the other hand, instead of giving you small doses of humility, he throws liters of it at you.

The ocean is a great teacher. Of the wisest.

I want to add that the true surfer of the family is my brother who has been on a board for more than 30 years, he is my greatest inspiration. He is a reflection of how surfing, like yoga, is a philosophy of life and the fact that he has accompanied him since he was a child makes him the man and godfather that he is today.

–You say that surfing is a practice of mindfulness … How is meditation related to surfing?
– With the difference that the first has a millenary tradition with respect to the second, I consider that both are philosophies developed in, by and for nature. The similarities that I value between the two are freedom and presence.

–You went from collaborating with major brands in the field of advertising, marketing and creativity to dedicating yourself to real people with your talks, workshops, advice … Could you explain what this change has brought you?
–The short answer is: Life. The long answer is that suddenly I found myself immersed in a consumption system, promoted by the greed of the human being, which generated suffering and repulsion towards everything in general. And that makes you sick. I decided to stop with everything and it helped me to understand that feeling is more important than doing and that doing is more important than having.

Connect, embrace, share, laugh, coexist … it can be done in any work environment, of course, with the subtle but fundamental difference that now, in all areas, I live from FEELING instead of “getting”.

– Are you aware that everything you post on your networks reaches thousands of people? And that’s just taking into account your followers …
-I’m conscious to the point of voluntarily choosing not to be. I explain. When I write, publish or edit a photograph, I do it for myself. It is a tool for personal expression just like a blank sheet on which to paint with watercolors. If before that I think that there are spectators, in this case followers, I would condition or limit myself. So, I know, but I don’t think about it.

–And to finish, just take a look at your career to see that you are a restless person who is always creating. Do you have a new project in hand?
–I am inspired by inspiration, I am always creating new things, although not all of them come to light. Something will come.

We passed the minitest to … Mimi Albero

  • Favorite dish: Pumpkin cream with orange and ginger.
  • Dish that saves you when you don’t have time to cook: Smoothie Bowl, fresh fruit or hummus and carrot.
  • 3 essential foods in your diet: apple, ginger, cumin.
  • Your irresistible temptation: Chocolate, although I put up little resistance.
  • The first thing you drink in the morning: Water.
  • The last thing you drink at night: Water.
  • Favorite restaurant: I don’t have one.

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