Go Zero Waste: An App To Produce Less Personal Waste

Trying to avoid plastics and reduce the waste we generate on a daily basis can be quite a challenge. To facilitate this, Magda Cebrián and Martí Morató were encouraged to undertake to create Go Zero Waste, a mobile application that paves the way towards a “zero waste” lifestyle.
Magda Cebrian Marti Morato Go Zero Waste

When in August 2018 we set out to verify it in first person by making our weekly shopping conscientiously, we realized the barriers that prevented us from doing so: where do I find, near me, everything I need? What are the first steps I can take?

From this experience, the idea was born to create the Go Zero Waste App, a practical tool to facilitate the first steps towards a lifestyle that generates less waste.

At the end of that year we organized a crowdfunding campaign that allowed us to raise money to be able to launch a first version and since then we have worked to improve it and make it a help for those who are starting this path.

Following in the footsteps of the “zero waste” movement

More and more people are aware of and concerned about the amount of waste we generate and the impact it has on the planet, we decide to take those first steps to reduce waste at home and away from home.

The “zero waste” or “zero waste” movement, popularized by Bea Johnson in her book Zero Waste Home, is gaining followers every day under the premise of minimizing the waste we generate and following the extended rule of famous three “Rs”: not only reduce, reuse and recycle, but also rethink, repair, reject …

It’s not just about buying in bulk or using a reusable water bottle. This movement carries a whole philosophy of life behind it that promotes actions such as the reduction of food waste or the vindication of buying second-hand.

Some aspects translate into simple specific actions such as opting for a reconditioned mobile instead of a new one and others require a change in habits, such as rejecting single-use containers or getting used to carrying a reusable bag always on top.

The Go Zero Waste App includes a simple challenges section with more than 100 tips to facilitate this personal journey to a life with less waste. They are small changes that we can incorporate in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on the road or in the workspace.

go zero waste app

Promote local commerce

Go Zero Waste App has a map that allows you to locate bulk stores, second-hand clothes, repair services, restaurants committed to “zero waste” or green points to carry special waste.

One of the main objectives of the project is the promotion of local businesses. Local commerce is an agent of change in the neighborhoods, enriching the commercial fabric and neighborhood life, and offering a close and specialized service in front of large surfaces.

We think that this small business is an essential axis of more responsible and sustainable consumption and therefore part of our mission is to value it and give it a voice both in the app and on our social networks.

Another way to buy

What if you stopped buying packaged food tomorrow? On the one hand, you should get used to always carrying your bags and containers to do the bulk shopping. This requires a change in habits and a little organization.

On the other hand, avoiding the packaged envelope in our purchases makes us discard some products such as ultra-processed or industrial pastries.

So this lifestyle also serves as an incentive to make beneficial changes in our diet.

With zero waste, do you save or spend more money?

We are usually asked if this type of consumption is more expensive and we always respond with “it depends.” And is that if overnight you go from buying everything in the supermarket to buying everything in bulk, you will surely notice an increase in your monthly spending, especially if some of these products are organic.

However, you have to get the hang of this lifestyle: know where to buy and when, opt for seasonal products, organize yourself better, be advised and above all, make better use of our resources.

For example, food waste is a huge problem in the world and an invisible pocket hole for many households. It is estimated that a third of the total food we produce is wasted and this has social and economic consequences.

Well, learning to reduce food waste at home, preventing products from spoiling or learning recipes that allow us to use parts of the food that we normally discard, we can save considerable money at the end of the year.

Another important aspect of savings linked to “zero waste” is the culture of repair, reuse and second hand. Let’s imagine that, for example, when we change our mobile, instead of buying the latest model, we opt for a reconditioned mobile. With this simple decision we will be saving hundreds of euros and avoiding having to manufacture a new phone with all the environmental impact that it entails.

These are just a few examples that challenge the false belief that a more “ecofriendly” life leads to more spending.

Do you dare to take the first step towards life “zero waste”?

Today there are countless resources on the Internet about “zero waste” in the form of books and blogs, as well as tutorials and accounts on social networks. However, we found it useful and practical to have a tool integrated into your mobile that facilitates all these changes in your day-to-day life. This was the reason that led us to undertake.

When creating the Go Zero Waste app, we wanted precisely to make it easier for anyone starting out in this world to have options in the palm of their hand. We hope that those who read us will find in it the help they need to start towards a life with less waste and a more responsible and local consumption.

The Go Zero Waste app is currently available for Android and iOS devices in thirteen countries, has more than 4,000 member businesses, and plans to expand worldwide with the collaboration of a growing community.

  • Web: gozerowaste.app
  • Instagram: www.instagram.com/gozerowasteapp

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