Selfie People: A Spatial Vision Problem

The culture of selfies predates the selfies themselves. It is the loss of vision of the whole, in which you do not bother to look around you.
self-absorbed people

Dear Insane Minds,

I promised a few posts ago to spend the summer talking about the beautiful and small things in life because of being grateful for having come out of a long depression that you do not see. Okay, hell is full of intentions, they say, and that is that one cannot go out on the street without the acidity rising to the eyebrows.

We have talked a lot about manspreading, that what gentlemen do to sit as if there were no tomorrow with their legs so wide open that they occupy 3 seats, but I am afraid that the problem goes much further than the gentlemen and sitting down. There are people who do not have spatial vision, something that real science has not studied but that should be put to it because it is still the solution to many problems.

Self-absorbed people

You know these people, you come across them every day. They are those people who stop to talk in the middle of the sidewalk and generate a traffic jam of people trying to pass and do not even notice. He is the person who comes to a show where everyone is sitting on the floor and stands in the first or second row, so pancha, and not for a second does he check if he is bothering someone. What’s more, it’s that person when she says to herself: “Wow, what a good angle I have here to take a photo of the public!” and take advantage of the fact that you are disturbing all the assistance to take a panoramic photo.

It is the person who overtakes the motorcycles too close, because they control, because they know what they are doing, but they never think about the scare they are giving to the person on the motorbike, or the person who gets too close to your car, like this, insistently, so that you run more without thinking that maybe you can’t run more because at a higher speed you don’t control the car. It is the person who, when the turn of words in a conference opens, launches to speak without more, without making a gesture that in other people is spontaneous, of looking around to, somehow, self-regulate the turns.

I am convinced that most of these people are not bad, but have a vision issue that is not in the eyes, but in the head. I think they don’t see what there is, that they don’t see themselves in the whole.

It’s kind of like the selfie culture, which has existed long before selfies. Those photos of a trip where he and the protagonist is always the person who has traveled and never the landscape, where the photos are a report on this person with monuments in the background that are only part of a set. The monuments, the people, the landscapes, the motorcycles, everything.

My bosses tell me to propose solutions to things, but in summer one is not very decisive and I would tell you that the solution is to take a bath in the sea, the pool, the lake or whatever is nearby. But it is true, that does not solve anything.

So it only occurs to me, apart from illegal things that are not worth it either because you, Minds, will end up paying for the broken dishes, that we teach creatures to desensitize and learn from a young age that they are not alone in the world nor is the world at your service. The same thing will take a couple of generations to bear fruit, but it is either that or definitely go to the mountains to live among bugs that are more clear that, to survive, you have to collaborate with the environment.

Happy week, Minds!

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