Did They Tell You You Were Worthless? Be Your Best Version At Work

Almost all of us have beliefs that limit us, that prevent us from exploring and developing our capabilities
best version work

Many of the beliefs that we have learned, and that were a way of adapting to our environment, over time limit the innate potential that is in us.

They came to us from our parents, from our teachers or from society itself … and they are not true. Detect them, put them in question and expand the image you have of yourself.

We will have more or less limiting beliefs according to the family environment in which we have grown up; they will always be more abundant if we have been brought up in an environment in which we have been forced to defend ourselves.

When they constantly tell you that you are not worth it

And if it has caused fear and we have been attacked with violence or devaluation (“you are stupid” or “you will not be able to”), it will have been very difficult for us to develop creativity: our energy will have been focused more on survival than on exploring capabilities. and potentialities.

It is worth identifying what are the limiting beliefs that distance us from our dreams and desires. The most revealing signs are internal statements such as ” I can’t “, “I’m not capable”, “I don’t deserve this” …

Attentive to your self-concept

In addition, there are identity beliefs such as “I am a weak person”, “I am shit”, “I am not worth it”, “this is not for me”, in which the person remains locked.

This is the case of Maria. She came to my office very concerned because, even having been a marketing director and being used to selling and promoting products and companies, she felt unable to create her own image and make herself known now that she had decided to undertake a new facet as a freelancer to accompany and advise professionals.

She had the knowledge and tools to do it, but she couldn’t apply those resources to herself. We were finding out what his limiting beliefs were.

“What’s stopping you from promoting yourself?” , asked.

We saw what the main barrier was and we discovered that he had a belief that affirmed that “it is more important to help others than yourself”.

Appreciating herself was for her typical of a selfish and pretentious being. Even more so if it was about showing it to others to get a job.

When he imagined the possibility of promoting himself and explaining everything he knew, the idea came to him: “ What will people think of me? ”.

I proposed to her to act as if she were one of the products that she had previously helped to sell. We made a list of the necessary steps to carry out a promotional campaign.

The first thing was to draw up a list of the capabilities and values ​​of the product, so we got down to work to list Maria’s potential.

Discovering our virtues (may no one turn off your light!)

When we finished, after reviewing everything she had done in her life and seeing what skills were needed for it, Maria saw a part of herself that she had not been able to contemplate before.

His self-image was broadened and he was able to recognize what things he could carry out and what things he could not, while before his gaze only took into account what he did not know or could not do.

Like a tree that twists throughout its growth due to the effect of the wind and then can grow straight again giving tasty fruits, María was able to learn to function in a new way, broader and more flexible with respect to the concept she had of herself. .

He was able to apply his skills and knowledge to promote himself and was able to build his own company and client portfolio, as well as his professional image.

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