Diet For Rheumatism: 7 Foods That Relieve Pain

Many plant foods have an anti-inflammatory action that is very useful against ailments such as rhema. And they also act preventively.
Foods against rheumatism

The reúma is considered a chronic inflammatory pathology. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, there is an autoimmune component.

Some factors favor an inflammatory state of the organism, such as intestinal hyperpermeability, stress, lack of sleep, toxins, alterations of the endocrine system and diet. This should be basically anti-inflammatory.

Vegetal fats, in general, and omega-3s in particular, reduce inflammation on a systemic level.

The fruits and vegetables are very useful for its richness in antioxidants: chlorophyll, resveratrol, vitamin C, quercetin or beta carotene, among others.

Herbs and spices have great anti-inflammatory power. Among the spices, turmeric multiplies its action with black pepper.

It is advisable not to consume those substances that favor inflammatory processes: processed meat, excess red meat, gluten, dairy products, sugars and refined foods, and processed fats.

Also avoid nightshades. Peppers, tomatoes, aubergines and potatoes contain solanine, which promotes joint inflammation. Especially do not take them out of season, raw and with the skin.

7 anti-inflammatory foods against rheumatism

These foods are especially anti-inflammatory. They are useful if you suffer from joint pain and also as a prevention of them.

1. Flax seeds, rich in omega-3

Flax seeds contain abundant omega-3s inside and to take advantage of them it is convenient to grind them at the moment, or to grind them and reserve them in a glass jar, preferably in the freezer.

Take 2 tablespoons a day, for example in sauces or a smoothie.

You can also choose flax oil to always use raw and keep it in the fridge so it doesn’t rust.

Nuts and seeds like chia and hemp are other good sources of omega-3s.

2. Onion, useful thanks to its quercithin content

Onion is rich in quercetin, which inhibits the formation of pro-inflammatory substances.

Consume 1 fresh onion a day in salads or 1 dry cooked.

The apples are other foods rich in quercetin.

3. Garlic, better crushed

Garlic, thanks to a high content of sulfur compounds (allicin and its derivatives), slows down the production of inflammatory substances and the expression of proteins with inflammatory action.

Every day take 2 cloves of garlic, better raw and crushed with chopped parsley or in the form of aioli.

4. Blackberries, rich in antioxidants

The fruits of the forest such as blackberry, in general, are very rich in antioxidants with a high anti-inflammatory action. The darker they are, the more rich in those substances.

If they are also wild, even better.

Enjoy 1 handful of blackberries a day, for a snack or mid-morning as a snack.

5. Carrots, to prevent and alleviate rheumatism

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. This antioxidant substance, with an anti-inflammatory action, is indicated to prevent or alleviate rheumatism.

Take 1 or 2 a day. To improve its absorption in the intestine, take the carrot lightly cooked and with a little oil or some fatty food, since beta-carotene is fat-soluble and the body assimilates it better this way.

The pumpkins and orange foods also have beta carotene.

6. Cabbage, well chewed

Cabbages in general have many health properties. In this case, it stands out for its richness in vitamin C and glucosinolates.

Both substances act by deflating and reducing inflammatory factors. Glucosinolates are more effective if we chew them well to break their bonds.

Eat 1 piece a day, marinated with lemon or apple cider vinegar, or lightly steamed or juiced.

7. Fresh rosemary, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

One of the most Mediterranean aromatic plants, it contains its substances and oils with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action in the leaves.

To take advantage of them, you have to eat it fresh and chew it. It is also easy to find and grow at home.

Use it daily to dress soups, salads, vegetables, legumes or cereals.

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