Eva Roca: The Soul Is Fed With Live Vegetables

The eco-chef Eva Roca disseminates living food through Crudivegània and her restaurant Bionèctar. She is also a holistic therapist and yoga teacher. He runs the Om Shanti Girona yoga center, where he teaches classes.
Eva Rocha raw vegan chef

Since I was a child I felt that animals were not eaten, and the meat was a ball in my mouth I have been a vegetarian since I was conscious and independent.

Later – in search of answers for not understanding animal abuse, the mistreatment of human beings’ own health and their food culture -, in parallel with my computer science career, I studied nutrition as a hobby and attended the country’s vegetarianism congresses “.

I was fascinated by the world of human nutrition, although in those sources I never found the answers that my heart longed for.

The fruitful diet keeps our organism alive and healthy

From a young age I understood that human beings are vegetarian by nature (and I am not referring to ovo-lacto-vegetarian, but to those who follow a diet based only on vegetables). But within the vegetarian diet there is a lot of malnutrition and toxemia.

So, for years, I studied and experienced all the types of vegetarian diet proposed by doctors and nutritionists, their benefits and drawbacks, going through the macrobiotics and veganism of gluten and tofu, which I now know cause many diseases in vegans.

But where I really found the answers was in ancient Greek medicine, in the vitalist movement of the last century (Bircher-Benner, Ehret, Capo, Shelton …), in Dr. Gabriel Cousens’ school of conscious eating (The Tree of Life) and in my heart.

All of this, mixed with my own experience and that of my patients, reaffirms me, day after day, that the physiological diet of the human being (for which we are designed, that is, the biological one) is frugivorous.

The living diet of Eva Roca

The frugivorous diet or as I call it, the “living food”, is based on leaves, fruits, seeds and roots as we find them in nature, in their natural state, thus preserving all the vitality, enzymes and nutrients that the organism to stay alive and healthy.

The shape of our teeth, our intestines and the rest of the organs demonstrate this. If in an architecture as perfect as that of the human body we change the “natural fuel” for a wrong one –such as meat, dairy, processed foods, coffee or pesticides–, the organism will obviously get sick.

Most of the current disorders of the human being (lack of vitality, candidiasis, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis, cancer …) are the result of a crisis that our body has suffered for a long time because we have given it a non-physiological food.

Do you remember the case of the cows that went “crazy” when they ate animal feed?

I decide to take action and spread the word about live food

As I investigated, a feeling of anger and injustice took hold of me to see the animals suffer, the planet destroy itself, and the sick human being, deceived and deprived of its freedom and its essential food because of unscrupulous enrichment of the food and pharmaceutical industries.

The Crudivegània school

In 2009 I created the living food school Crudivegània, with the intention of spreading healthy eating and ensuring food sovereignty as the only engine of real change in our environment, at all levels.

And recently, I started the first professional training in our country in live food.

Share experiences at the Bionèctar restaurant

In 2012, my heart was also touched by the need to build a social space where to share with like-minded people, not only the knowledge of a living and conscious diet, but also the energetic and organoleptic experience that a delicious and creative alchemy dish can offer us. Long live, and that’s how I created the Bionèctar restaurant.

With these two projects I intend to provide a space where, in addition to offering a healthy and physiological food, everyone can know and experience what heals us and makes us feel happy, with energy, with a serene head to think freely and with the soul glad to fly high.

And, of course, a space where we can socialize, enjoy and share, without harming the body and expanding all the senses.

Both in her restaurant and in the living cooking school that she runs, Eva Roca offers a totally vegetable and organic live diet, free of soy, gluten and alcohol. Understand that a vegan diet, in addition to being vegetable, must be healthy and non-toxic.

She herself chooses the farmers who supply her with the raw material that goes into her kitchen. Considers that a stamp does not always guarantee sufficiently ecological requirements; This way you make sure that everything is local and that you know the ecological and ethical criteria that have been followed.

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