Give Yourself A Day To Disconnect

We offer you a unique experience to calm physical and mental agitation and land in the here and now. A journey to yourself, without leaving home.
Day to disconnect

Choose a day to disconnect from the television, the computer, the mobile … Perhaps a Sunday, the day that since ancient times has been dedicated to the divine and to rest from work.

Although it is about spending time with yourself, it is not essential to do it alone, you can have company, but a group larger than three or four people is not advisable. Of course, the person you have by your side must have the same attitude or at least respect it.

It is about living a normal life, but without audiovisual media. You can prepare food, read a book according to the experience you are looking for, or do relaxing exercises such as yoga or tai chi. Do not use the phone, or at most receive only messages that you will consult very sparingly.

It also doesn’t hurt that you notify your family and friends in advance that you plan to spend a day dedicated to relaxing, thus preventing them from being surprised if you do not call or answer them.

Disconnect one day from the madding crowd, connect with yourself

It is convenient to have a quiet environment, away from noise. If you can be close to nature, much better, since you can take a walk outside the home. If it is in a city apartment, make sure that there is no noise inside or as little noise as possible.

Keeping quiet is also recommended. It is something relatively simple if there is no one with you and it can be agreed if you have company. If something important needs to be said, just make a few gestures or write a note. If that verbal silence is broken accidentally or out of necessity, nothing happens.

It is not about playing to see who can hold out the longest, but about adhering to that silence voluntarily.

Keeping quiet is part of any learning

The kids at school should avoid talking when the teacher does not only show respect, but to better assimilate knowledge. It is also part of spiritual disciplines.

The disciples of Pythagoras had to be silent for long periods of time before being initiated.

There are yogis who take a vow of complete silence ( mauna ). It is the language of the heart from a spiritual point of view. Silence is the language of the wise. Silence and peace usually go hand in hand.

The control of speech goes hand in hand with that of the mind. We often have many chattering thoughts that weary us without getting us anywhere.

Dedicate some time of the day to meditation

If you already know techniques, choose the one that best suits the situation and is not too complex.

For my part, I always recommend the simplest and most essential, advised by the Buddha himself: meditating on the breath. There is a direct relationship between the breath and the mind. By synchronizing both through this meditative practice, a state of internalization with a feeling of calm and relaxation is achieved.

Must sit comfortably on the floor or in a chair, back straight, without stiffness, hands in her lap, right on the left. Eyes closed or ajar. The practice consists of feeling how the air enters and leaves through the nostrils.

Breathe naturally, not too fast and not too slow. If your attention drifts to other thoughts, return your focus to calm breathing. It can last from 15 to 30 minutes or, more advisable, you can do mini sessions of 5 minutes throughout the day.

Pay attention to your biological clock

Human beings have lived for millennia in accordance with the solar rhythm of light and darkness, waking up at dawn and going to bed shortly after dusk. At most, he has used oil lamps, torches, or candles at night.

With the invention of the electric light bulb, everything changed, but not our physiology. Lower melatonin secretion, insomnia and increased stress are some of the consequences of having broken that ancient rhythm.

Well, during the day dedicated to peace, avoid using electricity : do not turn on the television or the computers, of course, but not the lighting.

At nightfall or earlier, if you live in a dark house, use candles. The light of a candle is something unique and fascinating. Change the perception of space and time. The room is filled with nuances, with the mysterious chiaroscuro so well described by the Japanese Junichiro Tanizaki in his book The Eulogy of the Shadow (Siruela, 2016). Time passes with another cadence, softer, with the scent of the moon.

For this reason, on a romantic evening around a table, or even in bed, candlelight is the best option. And also it is to recover the serene exterior and interior calm.

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