Healing In Contact With Nature

Color, smell, sounds, touch and contact with the earth and plants are part of balance, enjoying life and health . Loving nature is part of loving yourself
Heal with nature

Loving nature is part of loving yourself. Today there is a new medical word, biophilia, to refer to contact with nature as a way to regain health.

Biophilia is linked to the vis medicatrix naturae of naturopathic medicine, but it does not refer only to the great healing capacity of the body : it serves to understand how this capacity is stimulated in contact with nature. For example, the importance of forests as therapy or of introducing the forest climate into the urban climate.

The organism is strengthened in nature

The microbiological world of the environment that surrounds us –parks, gardens, forests– is becoming more and more important every day when it comes to balancing the organism. According to the fundamental principle of ancient Greek medicine, “nature is the doctor of all diseases.” The organism, in order to survive, has to anticipate environmental pressure. Its gene pool stores the programs necessary to resist the problems encountered by the species up to the present.

The disease is not only a consequence of pathogens, but also a strategy of the body to defend itself against them. And part of this strategy would be to establish good contact with the environment.

More greenery in everyday life

That our environment, especially our home, has good contact with clean air and water, with the energies of the earth and the sun, has been a concern of all medical systems. The feng shui, in traditional Chinese medicine, is one of the best known.

Today this way of understanding health makes us take nature to cities and even give it its own space in homes and hospitals.

Health, energy and beauty is what the biophilic design of houses seeks to convey , which combines high technology and high nature, promoting energy savings, the use of innocuous materials and a greater connection with the environment.

The distance from nature makes us sick. Living in close relationship with it allows us to develop with true well-being. In their absence, stress, anxiety, lack of meaningful relationships with others and with the world increase.

Connecting or reconnecting with nature favors health and professional opportunities, and acts as a bond for families and communities: it helps to feel fully alive.

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