How To Include Antioxidants In Every Meal Of The Day

Antioxidants are essential to keep the body and mind in top condition. Including them in the diet is easier than it seems.
healthy food

Sometimes foods that show a higher antioxidant content in the laboratory do not coincide with those that have a more beneficial effect.

The key is in how the body fits in with the different substances provided by food.

Ronald Prior, from the Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center (United States) has found that foods rich in antioxidants such as blueberries or plums must be consumed in large quantities to modify blood values. In contrast, grapes and kiwis produce changes in the blood with the usual servings.

Researchers do not yet know which combination of compounds achieves the best results. That is why they advise consuming a variety of vegetables.

What are the foods richest in antioxidants?

Experts recommend that the daily menu includes five to ten servings of foods rich in antioxidant substances, remembering that vegetables and fruits should be prioritized over fats or exciting drinks.

A study carried out by scientists from the University of Parma and the National Institute for Human Nutrition Research in Rome (Italy) to determine the antioxidant capacity of the most frequent foods in the Mediterranean diet determined that spinach and peppers (first the hot and then the reds) have the most potent activity.

The next vegetables in the ranking are asparagus, turnips, mushrooms, cooked red beets, arugula and broccoli.

But you also have to keep in mind that some of these antioxidant champion foods are eaten in moderate amounts.

Among the fruits, Italian research determined that the richest in anti-radical compounds are blackberries, gooseberries and raspberries. Citrus fruit juices (orange, lemon and grapefruit) also contain abundant antioxidant agents.

The next fruits in the ranking are strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, red plums, and black and white grapes.

Of the oils studied, soybean shows the highest antioxidant activity, due to its vitamin E content. Next is the extra virgin olive oil, which has vitamin E and polyphenols.

The next oils are corn and sunflower oils, but virgin olive is the best for cardiovascular health.

Although they do not have prestige as healthy foods, coffee and cocoa are among the richest in antioxidants.

Coffee is the drink with the most antioxidants, followed by red wine and green tea. But considering the amount that can be drunk on a daily basis, green tea is undoubtedly the champion drink.

As for cocoa, it is advisable to choose the purest presentations, that is, with less sugar, milk and other ingredients.

How to include antioxidants in every meal of the day?

A pill or an isolated food is not the best way to increase the antioxidant capacity of the diet.

To achieve optimal results, you must select a variety of products and consume them throughout the day.

The breakfast should include a piece of fruit at least (plum, apple, orange or kiwi, for example) and a glass of juice (the blueberry is the most powerful).

At lunch and dinner, it is convenient to prepare salads with raw ingredients, which are the ones that best preserve their antioxidant power, such as onion, alfalfa sprouts and pieces of some fruit.

On the other hand, tomato sauce is the best option to season one of the main meals.

As for dessert, the best option is one or two pieces of fresh fruit.

In the middle of the afternoon you can have a snack with a green tea without milk, which would inhibit the action of part of the antioxidants. It is the most antioxidant infusion that exists.

Several studies show that it protects against cancer and cardiovascular diseases, although for the effects to be significant, two or more cups should be taken daily.

One day you can include a piece of chocolate with a high proportion of cocoa, as it is loaded with antioxidants.

Dinner, in addition to the raw salad plate, should include at least one serving of vegetables and two more pieces of fruit.

If you want to increase the antioxidant capacity of any diet, there is a general rule: throughout the day you have to double the dose of vegetables that is customary to consume.

This increases the antiradical efficacy of the blood plasma by between 10 and 25 percent.

The spices in general are potent antioxidants, starting cinnamon and oregano. Also the small red beans are at the forefront of many classifications.

To know more about antioxidants

  • Antioxidant Guide; Santiago Gubern, Ed. RBA
  • Antioxidants: a practical guide; Daniele Festy, Ed. Robinbook
  • Antioxidants to rejuvenate; Adriana Ortemberg, Ed. Ocean-Amber

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