How To Prepare A Homemade Toothpaste

Making a natural toothpaste is easy, but we must choose carefully which ingredients we are going to use. We tell you everything you need to know!
toothbrush dental floss essential oil

Last week we talked about the effect of toothpaste on our health and we offered you some healthier alternatives than a traditional toothpaste. One of the healthier alternatives is to make a homemade toothpaste.

But be careful, making a homemade or more natural toothpaste does not mean that it cannot damage our teeth and gums, we must take great care in the ingredients we choose. A homemade toothpaste could also damage our enamel and alter the pH of our mouth. It is very important to know what type of natural ingredients are the most suitable.

How to make a homemade toothpaste

I tell you some of my favorite ingredients to make a refreshing homemade toothpaste that does not damage our teeth.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil helps improve the intestinal flora from your oral cavity and prevents oral candidiasis.

2. Mineralized water

I recommend it especially if you usually drink osmotic water. This type of water helps to eliminate heavy metals from our body, but it also erodes the mineralization of the teeth.

3. Ground cocoa shell

Although it seems hard to believe, the best toothpaste would be a cocoa paste, whose components help to mineralize the teeth. We also have to take into account that its effect is a non-aggressive abrasion effect and therefore a good ally to break bacterial plaque.

4. White clay or kaolin

Some posts ago we talked about the benefits and uses of kaolin, so if you read us regularly, this ingredient will not surprise you.

White clay is a natural polisher rich in minerals and not very aggressive. It is also alkaline, so it reduces acidity in the mouth, making it an excellent ingredient for a homemade toothpaste.

We are used to hearing that we must sterilize our mouths with powerful rinses and toothpastes that eliminate all germs and bacteria. For this reason, it may sound strange to us to put “clay” in our mouths, but we should not be afraid of doing it. The true dental health is to achieve a balance and an ecosystem between the germs and the natural bacteria of our mouth, since these protect us from diseases and promote the mineralization of our teeth.

5. Sodium Bicarbonate

The different foods we eat and their level of acidity constantly alter the natural and optimal pH of our mouth and can unbalance it.

To counteract this effect we can use baking soda in our toothpaste, which has a pH between 9 and 11. This means that it is a very alkaline ingredient, which will help us neutralize the acidity of what we eat and regulate the pH of our mouth naturally.

6. Essential oils suitable for consumption

Essential oils like peppermint or lavender help fight plaque and gingivitis, as long as they are used with brushing and flossing. If you do not know which essential oils are suitable for consumption, it is important that you consult a professional.

We should not be afraid to prepare our toothpaste at home, as long as we know what ingredients we are going to use and the quality of those ingredients.

We cannot forget that using a good toothbrush and flossing are key factors in maintaining our oral health. With a balanced pH, a natural alkalinity and a balance in the bacterial flora of our organism we can be sure that our mouth is clean and healthy.

And of course, I’m going to leave you with a recipe for alkaline homemade toothpaste that regulates the pH of our mouth. It is a very simple and easy recipe to prepare. You have the right amount for a single use, so you can try it.

Coconut Oil, Bicarbonate, Kaolin and Peppermint Essential Oil homemade toothpaste


  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • ¼ tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon white clay
  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • A pinch of sea salt

Mix it all in a bowl, put it on your toothbrush and brush!

I hope you liked this post, until next time! Take care and pamper yourself from the root.

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