How To Prevent And Treat Heatstroke

Too much sun and heat can cause heatstroke or mild heat stroke. Find out how to treat it quickly and, above all, how to prevent it.
Girl with hat

If you spend too much time in the sun, in addition to being dangerous for the skin, you can suffer a heatstroke. It is not exactly the same as heat stroke. In principle, it is a less serious disorder, but it should be treated quickly and adequately with natural means.

Sunstroke or heat stroke

In heatstroke, the body cannot control body temperature and consciousness can be lost. It is necessary to call 112 and request an ambulance to receive medical attention as soon as possible.

In a heat stroke, which can be described as mild heat stroke, you feel weakness, sweating, cramps, and often visible dilation of the veins in the legs.

Other symptoms are: very red and hot head or neck, even though the rest of the skin appears normal; severe headache and ringing in the ears.

All of these symptoms can appear hours after being exposed to the sun.

When to call an ambulance

If abnormal nervousness, extreme weakness, disorientation, fever, nausea, vomiting, seizures or loss of consciousness are added to the symptoms described above, it is necessary to immediately call 112 and call for an ambulance.

How to Quickly Treat a Heatstroke or Mild Heat Stroke

If you feel this way, take the following steps:

  • Find a cool, shady spot or, better yet, an air-conditioned space.
  • Lie on your back with your head and trunk slightly elevated.
  • Unbutton or remove clothing that is not essential.
  • Recover fluids with water, lemonade, or other juices. You can add half a teaspoon of salt to a liter of water.
  • Put cool, damp cloths on the nape, neck, forehead, armpits, and wrists. Moisten the rest of the body with a spray bottle.
  • If there is no draft, procure it with a fan or fan.
  • Many people believe that a cold shower is useful, but it is not really recommended. A warm shower is best, accompanied by cold cloths on the wrists and forehead.

How to prevent heat stroke and heat stroke

To prevent heat stroke, it is advisable not to go out for a walk in the middle of the day. Yes you do, put on a hat, wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothing, find the shades, and take a bottle of water. To drink, you see taking sips, do not wait to feel thirsty.

Remember that sugary sodas and alcohol, in addition to providing empty calories and unbalancing the metabolism, accelerate the loss of fluids, so they are not useful for hydration.

Young children and people with very fair skin, little hair, or advanced age are more vulnerable to heat stroke.

People who are chronically ill, obese, have a sedentary lifestyle, or who have previously suffered from heat stroke or heat stroke are also more likely.

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