Make Decisions: Ready, Ready … Go!

Take all the decisions you have to make to avoid suffering, to change your life, or to improve it: take them without fear, and enjoy a lot!

Making decisions is good for your health: when you take the helm of your life, you can configure, imagine and live it to your liking.

Making decisions also helps transform our lives: the more we take care of ourselves, the easier it is to make changes that make life easier, more fun and more beautiful.

Making decisions is vital so as not to wait for the romantic miracle.

Why is it hard for us to decide in love

When we are in love, it is difficult for us to think clearly: in the ecstasy of falling in love we suffer a kind of transitory mental derangement, a drunken happiness, which prevents us from calmly analyzing the reality in which we are, and makes it very easy for us to deceive ourselves .

Also when we have been in the couple for a long time, it is difficult for us to make decisions that involve strong changes because the dynamics are very marked, and it seems impossible to make transformations in ourselves and in the relationship when we have been reproducing the same relationship scheme for a long time.

Making decisions is not easy because we live very conditioned by our attachment to the comfort zone, and by the fears that inhabit us: fear that they will stop loving us, fear of being happy, fear of suffering, fear of loneliness, fear of abandonment ….

Inertia leads us to continue where we are, even if the changes we dream of are to be better and to be happier.

Social gags that condition us

Sometimes we have enormous social pressure on our shoulders that prevents us from acting freely, and greatly limits us when it comes to making changes, or devising a strategy for survival or happiness.

Until very recently, women were forbidden to make decisions. Everything we did we had to consult with the father or husband, because we could not travel alone, or start a business alone, or get divorced, or choose motherhood, or choose our place of residence, or open a bank account.

This is how it was during forty years of dictatorship for our grandmothers, and that for us, their granddaughters, continues to greatly limit us when it comes to taking the helm of our lives and when making changes, because all decisions have always been made by someone for we.

Despite all these limitations, women have been freeing ourselves and are abandoning our passive, submissive and complacent role.

Ready to take the reins

We are learning to use our power, and not to renounce it when we mate: we are empowering ourselves alone and in groups, and this is giving us the strength to trust ourselves much more, in our abilities and our capacities.

Now that we work to know what we want and above all, what we do not want in our lives, we are learning to say aloud to our partners what we feel, what we want, what we dream about, and what we are going to do to achieve it. .

And this gives us much more freedom to join and separate from our partners whenever we want.

It also helps us a lot to analyze our reality: how we are feeling, how we would like to be, how we are treated, how we are treating others, how we resolve our conflicts and power struggles, if we are having fun or if we are suffering.

  • Analyzing our feelings and seeing ourselves from the outside is the first step.
  • The next step is to say out loud how we would like to be, what things we would like to eliminate or change, what we need to be well.
  • And the third and final step is to establish the strategy to achieve it, and inevitably at this point is when we have to make decisions that help us, that benefit us, that are good for us.

You have to be very brave and honest to make decisions, and at first it costs, but the benefits of writing your own life novel are innumerable. Because you do not depend on anyone to configure your own plot, to choose the characters that will accompany the protagonist, to give her control of her own life.

Without fear of being wrong

You are free, you have a lot of learnings and acquired knowledge, and you can use your imagination and wisdom to write a drama, or to write a happy story.

Making decisions empowers us when we do it with the goal of taking good care of ourselves, and enjoying more of ourselves, the relationships we have, and the life we ​​lead.

If we work from this base, all the decisions we make will be good decisions: it doesn’t matter if it goes well or not, the important thing is to try.

It helps a lot to feel that one is doing the best of oneself so that everything goes well, and to think that we are human, that we make mistakes sometimes, and that it is good that we have tried.

Ask your people if you need it to gather more information and have more points of view: the people who love us the most are the ones who can help us the most to see reality.

Make the decisions you want to make sensibly and with a lot of love for yourself, always trying to be ethical and also taking care of others.

All failures and mistakes bring us learnings, so the braver we are, the wiser we will be.

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