Podcast: Meditation With ASMR Sounds For Relaxation Or Sleep

ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) sounds help to perceive feelings of calm and equanimity that can also present as mild chill-like sensations on the skin. An ASMR sound meditation can help us deeply relax and even sleep.
Asmr meditation podcast to relax and sleep

ASMR meditations achieve a state of deep relaxation and rest and even help you sleep. Through ASMR sounds (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) our body lets go of what it feels like a load, which leaves room for emotional and physical healing.

ASMR appears as a pleasant sensory impulse that appears through stimuli. The response is characterized by feelings of calm and equanimity, and may also present as mild chill- like sensations on the skin.

It can usually be stimulated through soft, repetitive whispers and sounds that give a feeling of intimacy.

Interestingly, all these factors also cause our body to release oxytocin, which is regularly called the love hormone. Oxytocin is a hormone that (among other things) is created through receiving care in different ways, such as gentle caresses or a comforting tone of voice, so it is easily stimulated in relationships with people who love us.

When we release oxytocin, our stress dissolves and we can relax, but not only that, but our level of compassion, sensitivity and generosity increases, which makes it a wonderful hormone on a spiritual level. In addition, oxytocin activates a sense of trust in us that reduces our social fear and makes it easier for us to create emotional bonds.

ASMR: The Benefits of Deep Relaxation

Deep relaxation is a restful practice. At present, it is difficult for us to give ourselves the permission to really rest, since we regularly have routines in which both our minds and our vital times are continuously occupied. That is precisely why resting today, giving ourselves time not to do and not to think, is almost revolutionary.

The peace and harmony that we can feel through deep relaxation practice can be very healing. In this practice we let go of everything that keeps us tense on a physical and emotional level, so we give our system space to empty and recover. This also allows us to listen deeply to our bodies and learn to be kind to ourselves, allowing us to understand and grow.

How to Meditate to Relax Deeply

The whispers and sounds of the ASMR guided meditation that we propose will potentially contribute to achieving deep relaxation. Use headphones to perceive sounds and let yourself go:

  • I invite you to lie down, letting your feet fall to the sides and keeping your arms a little apart from your body with your palms facing up.
  • Now become aware of your body and the sensations in it.
  • Give your body permission to relax, fall, and let go.
  • Feel how your body is supported by the earth. Let her gratefully support you, giving her your weight and giving you permission to loosen your muscles more and more.
  • Little by little you can focus your attention on each of the parts of your body, starting with the lower part.
  • Focus on your feet, ankles, heel, toes, and give them permission to be as they are now.
  • Now you can bring your attention to your calves, knees, thighs, and let go.
  • You can observe your glutes, your hips, your belly, your lower back and the lower part of your back. Send them the energy of acceptance of them as they are in this moment.
  • Now you can bring your attention to your chest, to your upper back, to your shoulders. Welcome all the sensations from that part of your body as they are right now.
  • Scan your arms, upper body, elbow, lower body, wrist, and hands with each of your fingers. Keep your attention on this part by embracing your sensory experience and letting it be as it is.
  • Feel your neck, skull, cheeks, chin, lips, nose, eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, forehead. Embrace them as they are right now.
  • Send yourself an inner smile for all that you are right now, just as you are. Thank yourself for this time that you have taken for yourself and for your well-being.

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