Propolis Is More Effective Than Acyclovir In Treating Herpes

Lip balm with propolis reduces symptoms and accelerates the disappearance of cold sores more effectively than the most prescribed drug.
propolis cold sore

The cold sore virus usually takes advantage of it to make its annoying appearance when the body is weakened by a stress situation or because you have just experienced a cold or flu.

The vesicles on the lip are painful and annoying. The typical evolution, from the appearance of pain, itching and vesicles until the scab falls off and heals, is 10-14 days.

Many people try to reduce symptoms and accelerate their disappearance by resorting to ointments with the antiviral Acyclovir.

Propolis is antiviral and antibiotic

However, there is a more effective natural remedy: propolis. It is the substance with which bees protect their honeycombs and has an antibiotic and antiviral effect.

The properties of propolis have recently been confirmed by researchers at the University of Kosice (Slovakia). The scientists compared the effect of a lip balm with 0.5% propolis extract and that of an ointment with 5% Acyclovir in both groups of 199 and 198 patients.

Heals it in four days

All participants applied their respective remedies five times a day for 10 days. At four days only 45% of the participants who had used propolis continued to show symptoms. By the fifth day they were only 10.1% of the participants.

In the change in the Acyclovir group , on the fourth day, 74.7% still continued to suffer symptoms and on the fifth, 42.5% continued to experience them.

In this way, the Slovak study confirmed previous research, which also showed the superiority of propolis over Acyclovir.

One of these studies was carried out at the Charles University in Prague (Czechia). In the research led by Dr. Petr Arenberger, propolis improved herpes status one day earlier than Acyclovir.

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