The Treasure Mine

An unemployed man discovers in a deposit the most valuable thing that can be found.
treasure mine

Robert got off the train in the dusty northern city and looked up at the sun.

After checking that he had everything in his backpack, he unfolded the map that the old reverend had given him after he had lost his job.

The words of that man to whom she had come seeking comfort were still ringing in her head:

“You have lost your job, but you have another much more important job to do,” he had said. In the abandoned mines of Pozo Seco there is a treasure that is for you.

– And how will I get to this treasure?

– Tomorrow take the second train that goes north and from there walk in the direction indicated on the map. Once at the sites, you will find the necessary directions to get to your treasure.

As he drove away from the city, Robert wondered how there could be directions for finding a treasure.

A wooden panel with the words POZO SECO confirmed that he had reached the site. A metal arrow indicated: MINE OF EFFORT.

He took a flashlight from his backpack and cautiously entered the cavern. After a tunnel of fifty meters, he came to a warehouse where picks, shovels and wheelbarrows were still stored.

Would the treasure be found behind the rock? Was it perhaps a gold mine that had not yet been exploited?

Suddenly he noticed that on the roof of the nave there was a sentence written in large characters.

Your effort will be useless
if you don’t find the treasure mine first

This is a good one! Robert told himself, cursing at every step that he had fallen into that trap. Finally he made out the TREASURE MINE sign pointing to the top of a hill.

Without leaving his astonishment, Robert toiled up the hill until he reached, sweaty and out of breath, in front of a small cave entrance.

There was a spacious gallery with a small crystal clear lake. The waters gave him a clear image of himself, his eyes shining on his tanned skin.

A hand on her shoulder made her heart skip a beat.

It was the reverend, who had arrived at the site before him.

“You are the treasure, son,” he explained. Until you find yourself and recognize your worth, it will be useless to put forth effort. Cherish your treasure first and there will be nothing you cannot get.

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