Today The World Follows The Global Strike For Climate

The students have called on society to demonstrate to demand that we really fight against climate change. You can participate in many ways.
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The big day has arrived and you cannot miss it. The Global Strike for Climate, called by Youth for Climate (Fridays for Future), supported by parents, teachers and hundreds of social organizations, is being celebrated all over the planet and will become a historic milestone.

Millions of young people, accompanied by parents, teachers and people concerned about the evolution of the climate, will attend almost 3,000 demonstrations around the world, 1,000 of them in Europe and 143 in Spain, where more than 300 social organizations have signed up. the manifesto In defense of the future, a living planet and a just world.

According to this manifesto, the planet is on the verge of a point of no return in the face of climate change as a consequence of “a production and consumption model that has proven to be inappropriate to satisfy the needs of many people, which puts our survival at risk and impacts unfairly, especially in the world’s most vulnerable populations ”.

Demonstrations in the main cities

In our country, there will be demonstrations in many provincial capitals and other towns. In the morning there will be student rallies and in the afternoon there will be cross-sectional demonstrations.

You can check the mobilizations that take place near your place of residence on this map:

The majority unions, CCOO and UGT, have not joined the students’ strike, but they will attend the demonstration. Minority unions have called for a general strike in Aragon, the Canary Islands, the Basque Country and Navarra. In Andalusia the student strike has been seconded by the teachers.

In your workplace

Those who come to their workplace are called to carry out a concentration of four minutes and 15 seconds – for the 415 parts per million of C02 that reached the atmosphere in 2019 – between 11 and 12 in the morning.

The demonstrations in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia will begin at six in the afternoon. In the capital, it will run from Atocha station to Puerta del Sol, while in Barcelona it will go from Els Jardinets de Gràcia to Plaza de Catalunya. In Valencia the march will start from the Plaza de la Virgen.

On the other hand, in Bilbao the demonstration will begin at 11 in the morning, in front of the City Hall. At 12 noon it will start in Malaga (in the Plaza de la Constitución), in Palma (the Plaza del Tubo, and in Seville (Plaza Nueva).

Greta Thunberg: “See you on the streets”

The youth movement that takes to the streets today began on August 20, 2018, when the Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg stood alone at the doors of her country’s parliament to demand that politicians take urgent and effective measures against change. climate. Due to the butterfly effect, that action has become an unstoppable movement of consciences.

Thunberg made an emotional and forceful speech last Monday before dozens of heads of government at the UN headquarters. He warned that sufficiently ambitious measures were not being considered, but that the change would come from the hands of young people, “whether they like politicians or not.”

Thunberg responds to attacks

After the speech, the personal attacks on the young woman by the denialist sectors intensified, which were responded by Thunberg on Twitter:

“As you know, the haters are as active as ever, criticizing me, my appearance, my clothes, my behavior and my differences. They come up with any lie or conspiracy theory imaginable.

They seem willing to cross any line to distract attention, because they are desperate not to mention the climate and ecological crises. Being different is not a disease and the best available science is not opinions, they are facts.

I honestly don’t understand why adults spend their time teasing and threatening teenagers and children who promote science, when they could do something good instead. I suppose they must feel threatened by us.

Don’t waste your time paying more attention to them. The world is rising. Change comes whether you like it or not. See you on the streets on Friday! “

On the streets, young people are demanding that world leaders take urgent and effective action to end carbon dioxide emissions at the upcoming Climate Change Conference to be held in December in Chile.

You can follow the evolution of the strike through social networks with the hashtags #climatestrike #FridaysForFuture # EmergenciaClimatica27S, #EmergenciaClimatica or #HuelgaMundialPorElClima

And if you have not done so yet, at some point you can visit the Fridays for Future Spain website to sign the Citizens’ Initiative that will take the young people’s proposals to the European Parliament.

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