What Should Be Done To Avoid Body Odor?

Excessive sweating and body odor cause discomfort and insecurity. To minimize it, it is important to maintain a proper diet and reduce stress.
Remedies for body odor

Through the skin, specifically through the secretion of the sweat glands, the body expels catabolites or remains of toxic substances that circulate in the blood.

Specifically, in naturopathic medicine, we refer to it as the “third kidney”, since sweat, as an ecumenical system, is equivalent to urine. They are two ways that the body uses to eliminate toxins.

What causes body odor and how to combat it

The cutaneous transpiration, which in principle is odorless, like breathing, it also removes volatile substances can enter the body with food, drinks, or breathing toxic habits that can influence their smell.

Therefore, body odor will be partly the result of the components that circulate in our bloodstream, the metabolism of each one, and the degree of body sweating.

Like halitosis or bad breath, body odor is influenced by what we eat and what we digest, and with the habit of consuming products such as tobacco, alcohol, coffee….

For example, low-carbohydrate or high-protein diets (with cold cuts, cheeses, fried foods …) force the body to obtain energy from stored fats, generating ketone bodies in the blood that result in a special body odor. The same is true of strong spices or foods such as garlic and onion rich in volatile substances and sulfur amino acids.

On the other hand, foods rich in chlorophyll (green leaves in general) are advisable.

The active exercise that causes heavy sweating is a fast track debugging, and even while practicing can produce offensive odor after a good shower improves body odor decreasing the degree of internal “toxicity”.

Instead, a sustained sweating, for example. Due to the cortisol released with stress, it can generate a bad odor by mixing in a sustained way with bacteria or dead skin cells.

The cutaneous microbial flora can become unbalanced when the microorganisms typical of humid environments are enhanced, in places where sweat and heat accumulate: feet, armpits, genitals, folds under the breasts … That is why it is important to keep these areas dry afterwards showering, or prevent easy sweating by wearing natural fiber garments that are breathable.

The morning shower with brushing with a horsehair glove that facilitates exfoliation or elimination of dead skin cells, is an advisable measure to incorporate it seasonally. Finishing it with cold water is also a good measure to stimulate circulation and eliminate toxins.

On the other hand, the daily use of soaps is not highly recommended due to the alteration that it means for the physiological microbiota of the skin, and that of deodorants is not recommended either because they generate moisture in the areas of application.

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